Thursday 26 May 2016

100 word challenge week #19

                         All You Need Is Friends

“Light the candles.” My mom said quickly.
“Okay!” I replied sarcastically.  

As we finished lighting all the candles, it was later in the day but we decided to take advantage of it and invited some friends over to enjoy the power outage with us and play board games. The night went on and on, filled with laughter and big personalities. As the night was about to end and as the flame flickered and then went out we learned that you don’t need electronics to have a fun night you just need amazing friends and awesome conversations.  

Wednesday 18 May 2016

100 word challenge week #18

Never Regret The Things You Do In Life

Do you ever have a moment when your doing something but you really wanna be curled up in your orange cat pyjamas… this was my moment. I was standing on the top of the high dive at the pool, everybody was looking at me. Silence filled the room as thoughts swam through my head. “Should I jump or should I back down?” I take a deep breath and jump, I hit the water like thunder hits a crisp summer's eve. That's the day I learned that you should never let fear run your life because in the end it's not the things you do,you regret it's the things you don’t.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

100 word challenge week #17

Stairway to Heaven 

“Is this it?’’ I questioned “Just a stairway to a bright light, how boring.”
“Well I’m sorry what were you expecting? Did you want a rope to climb, a backwards slide. You know for a dead person you sure are ungrateful”
My guardian angel said sarcastically.
“Okay I’ll stop, but seriously how do we get up there because I don’t feel like doing cardio today.” I joked.
“Please just wait” My guardian angel asked impatiently.
As things quieted a hand reached out and pulled me up the stairs. Once I came to the beautiful golden gates that's when I woke up.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

100 word challenge week #16

                            The Power Outage 

It was a dark and stormy night my friend Talia and I were home alone watching scary movies. We were halfway through our second movie when the phone rang. It was my mom. She told us that there might be a power outage. Instantly, after she called, we stocked up on candles, flashlights and, because we had just finished our second horror movie, a kitchen knife and a baseball bat. Suddenly, after gathering our supplies, the power went out. By the time my mom got home, it was early morning and she found us in the corner holding a baseball bat and giant flashlight. The moral of the story is never watch a horror movie on a dark and stormy night.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

100 word challenge week 15

Beach Disaster!! 

My friend Frankie has always had a child like curiosity, but what happened that day was pure stupidity.  It was a beautiful day at the beach, we were all swimming and having fun. The real chaos and embarrassment all started when my friend Frankie decided to go off on her own, time passed and we decided to go look for her. After 15 minutes we found her sitting on the ground with her hand stuck in the bottle return bin. Lets just say the lifeguard was not happy to hear a girl had her hand stuck in the return bin. That was the last time we went to that beach.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

100 word challenge week 14


Last summer my dog had to get his shots, so we dropped him off at the vet and got something to eat. When we came back we saw a man quickly drop a box at the door and run to his car. Before we could ask what was in the box he was gone. My dad and I carefully took the box inside to see the vet, but she was busy. So I stepped up and I put my hand in the box and felt something furry. It was tiny kittens! And that's the story of when I put my hand in a box filled with flea infested kittens.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

100 word challenge week #13

One Halloween me and my friends decided to dress up as women from history. I decided I was going to dress like daisy from the great gatspy, my friend Spencer decided to dress like a 80's go go dancer and my friend Hayden would be Marilyn Monroe. As the days past and came closer and closer to Halloween we started to become restless. Luckily we made sure to keep busy by picking out our costumes and totally forgetting practice our makeup skills. So when the day came my friends begged me (I begged them) to do their makeup. Everything was going great until I had to draw that perfect mole. I started with a small dot a but the spot just grew and grew until Hayden look as if someone shoved a mud pie in her face. Let's just say that was the last time I was "asked" to do my friends makeup.